Clinical Care Medical Center, Residential Plaza, Blue Lagoon,Tania Sanchez, el Venezolano Editorial Group, Affiliated Health Care Center,Kattia Castellanos, The Haggard Law Firm, Victim Response Inc., Ocean Bank, Florida National University & The Womens Fund.
The Coral Gables Police Department & The National Crime Victim’s Right Week Committee presented the 2016 National Crime Victim’s Right Week Proclamation & “Justice for All” Awards Ceremony at the Coral Gables Country Club Friday April 8, 2016
- Assistant City Manager / Public Safety Director Frank Fernández presents Proclamation to Kattia A. Castellanos, Coral Gables Police Department and Tania Sánchez, National Crime Victim’s Right Committee
- The Gough and Aguiar Family Vilma Castillo, Reporter Diana Montano
- Coral Gables Hospital Cristina Jimenez, COO Tania Sanchez, Kattia Castellanos Patrick Downes, CEO David Araya, Director of Business Development, Jessica Miller, CNO
- West Gables Health Case Center, Tania Sanchez, Dolores Flores, Kattia Castellanos, Marcos Carrasco
- Survivors Pathway Organization, Tania Sanchez, Francisco Duberli, Kattia Castellanos
- Reporter Diana Montano, Bianca Fernández, Tania Sanchez, Kattia Castellanos, Honorable Katherine Fernandez Rundle,State Attorney Edward Hudak, Chief of Police Rachel Tourgeman FNU, Dr. Barry Burack, Affliated HealthCare Center