On Sunday, February 24th, 2019, which marks a significant Cuban Heritage Holiday, “Grito de Baire,” you’re invited to attend the launch of the book, “Mariel and the Cuban National Identity” by Dr. Mercedes Cros Sandoval, 4:00 PM at the Logia Nuevos Horizontes, 600 W 29th St, Hialeah, FL 33012 (free admission).
This event is produced by Instituto Folklorico Cubano Americano Maestro Bobby Ramirez (FolkloreCubano.org); and Glenda R Mujer Esperanza. For information, call 305-298-2380. The first edition of Mariel and the Cuban National Identity was published for the first time in English in 1986, which includes the research carried out by Dr. Cros Sandoval when the exiles from the Mariel exodus arrived in Miami in 1980, among them, according to the doctor, her own family, which caused her to experience a cultural shock in her own home.
Motivated by a friend anthropologist that suggested that instead of resisting the culture shock, she should studied its effects for it to be more bearable. In that year Dr. Cros Sandoval served as director of a small mental health clinic, in addition to director of the Miami Dade Campus of the City of Hialeah, a position that she took advantage of to interview a large group of exiles, where she found a perfect quarry to carry out its investigation being Hialeah the center of the exodus of Mariel, one of the great migratory movements of the 20th century. Said Dr. Cros Sandoval:
“We have to rebuild a new Cuban identity–a bridge that removes the barriers between Cubans living on the island and Cubans and children of Cubans here.”
Dr. Mercedes Cros Sandoval, among other things, is immersed in the process with this book and her program entitled “Historia Cultural de Cuba” transmitted by Miami Dade College’s YouTube channel www.mdc.edu/mdctv and on Radio/TV Martí www. radiotelevisionmarti.com
Born in the Province of Oriente, Cuba, Anthropologist Dr. Mercedes Cros Sandoval has lived and traveled extensively throughout Latin America, the Caribbean and Spain. Recognized as a scholar of contemporary social processes, Dr. Sandoval’s educational background includes graduate degrees from La Universidad de La Habana, Florida State University and La Universidad de Madrid. Dr. Sandoval is author of La Religión Afrocubana (Ediciones Exodus 2018); and Mariel and Cuban National Identity (Editorial Sibi, 1985 – First Edition). She is recognized nationally and internationally, for her research and publications on the manner in which magico-religious systems and cultural factors affect mental health.
Glenda Reoyo Mujer Esperanza, was born in Santiago de Cuba. Her educational background includes graduate degrees in Arts and Social Sciences; masters degree in Public Health in the Medical Sciences Campus from the University of Puerto Rico; and a master’s degree in Public Administration as a well as Certified Event Producer from the Universidad Ana G Mendez Puerto Rico. Student of Dr. Mercedes Cros Sandoval. More at MujerEsperanza.com.
The Instituto Folklórico Cubano Americano Maestro Bobby Ramirez is a non-profit organization whose mission is to rebuild the Cuban national cultural identity by preserving and promoting Cuba’s folklore through community service. www.FolkloreCubano.org.