By: AC Graphics Digital

On August 14, 2024, the Miami Lakes Chamber of Commerce hosted a luncheon featuring Ignacio «Iggy» Alvarez, a distinguished former Major in the Miami-Dade Police Department (MDPD) and a prominent voice in the discussion surrounding the newly established Sheriff position in Miami-Dade County. As the county approaches its first sheriff election in over five decades, Alvarez provided invaluable insights into what residents should expect from the role and the significant responsibilities it entails.

Alvarez’s career in law enforcement began at the age of 21 when he joined the MDPD. Over the next 25 years, he steadily rose through the ranks, ultimately achieving the rank of Major, a position he held for eight years. Throughout his tenure, Alvarez commanded various investigative units, oversaw police districts, served as a town chief, and managed sheriff services that included police training facilities, court security, service of papers, and the warrants divisions.

In addition to his extensive experience in law enforcement, Alvarez is also highly educated. While working at the MDPD, he earned both a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice and a Juris Doctorate. His dedication to public service continued after his retirement from the MDPD when he founded the ALGO Law Firm. Under his leadership, the firm has grown to include 14 members and has become known for its commitment to helping those in need. Alvarez also prioritizes training the next generation of legal professionals, providing opportunities for law students to gain practical experience and develop the skills necessary for success in the field.

During his speech at the luncheon, Alvarez outlined his vision for the Sheriff’s Office, emphasizing the critical role that the sheriff will play in ensuring the safety and security of Miami-Dade residents. He discussed the importance of a sheriff who not only understands the intricacies of law enforcement but also possesses the leadership skills to effectively manage a large and diverse department. Alvarez highlighted several key priorities for the Sheriff’s Office, including the need for enhanced training programs for officers, a strong focus on community engagement, and a commitment to transparency and accountability. He also addressed the importance of maintaining a robust support system for law enforcement personnel, particularly in the areas of mental health and professional development.

Throughout his speech, Alvarez emphasized the unique challenges that the new Sheriff will face, given the historical significance of the role and the current landscape of law enforcement. He underscored the need for a leader who can hit the ground running and who has a deep understanding of the community’s needs.

As Miami-Dade residents prepare to cast their votes in this historic election, Alvarez’s insights provided valuable context for the decision that lies ahead. He stressed the importance of choosing a candidate with both the experience and the vision to lead the county’s law enforcement efforts effectively. In the closing moments of the luncheon, Alvarez expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to speak and reiterated his commitment to serving the community. He encouraged attendees to carefully consider the qualifications and platforms of the candidates as they prepare to make their choice in the upcoming election.

As the election draws closer, it’s worth noting that Rosie Cordero-Stutz, who spoke at the Chamber’s June luncheon, has secured the Republican nomination for the Sheriff position. Cordero-Stutz, with her extensive background in the MDPD and her clear vision for the future of law enforcement in Miami-Dade, will now move forward as one of the leading candidates in the race. The next Miami Lakes Chamber Luncheon will continue to offer valuable opportunities for community engagement and discussion on key issues affecting the region. For more information or to purchase tickets for upcoming events, visit the Miami Lakes Chamber of Commerce website at