Honorable Dan Gelber Mayor Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Commissioner Elect Mark Samuelian Commissioner Alex Fernandez Commissioner Elect.

The ceremonial program started with the Presentation of Colors conducted by the Miami Beach Police and Fire Department followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by the Chairman of the Miami Dade County Board of Commissioner Jose «Pepe» Diaz.

A magnificent interpretation of America the Beautiful by the great singer Maryel Epps. With the Inspirational Message by the Reverend Albert Cutie and Rabbi Shmuel Mann.

The Swearing-In of the Elected City Officials were conducted for Mayor Dan Gelber by Joan Silverstein; for Commissioner-Elect Kristen Rosen Gonzalez, by Miami Beach  Commissioner Michael Góngora ; for  Commissioner Mark Samuelian,  by Miami Mayor Francis Suarez and for Commissioner-Elect Alex Fernandez, by Miami Beach Commissioner Michael Gongora and Miami Dade Commissioner Rebeca Sosa the Oath of Civility.

The New City of Miami Beach Government is led by Mayor Dan Gelber and Commissioners Kristen Rosen Gonzalez, Mark Samuelian, Alex Fernandez, Steven MeinerRicky Arriola and David Richardson.

With Alina T. Hudack, City Manager; Rafael A. Paz, City Attorney; Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk and Joseph Centorino as Inspector General.