En nombre de los coordinadores de eventos Pedro Fiallo, American Legion Post 144 y AC Graphics, nos gustaría agradecer a todos los que participaron. Distribución de comida en autoservicio y Almuerzo de homenaje a nuestros héroes locales fue un evento tan exitoso. Docenas de voluntarios se reunieron el pasado sábado 19 de junio para regalar más de 1,000 cajas de comida en Amelia Earhart Park para ayudar a familias en las comunidades de Miami Lakes y Hialeah. 

Después de un año difícil luchando contra COVID-19, también pudimos honrar a los valientes hombres y mujeres que nos han mantenido a salvo. Estos homenajeados son nuestros propios socorristas, que trabajaron juntos para hacer que nuestras comunidades de Miami Lakes y Hialeah sean más seguras. Con su ayuda, y en asociación con Mission BBQ y DJ Armando, pudimos brindar más de 400 comidas y entretenimiento a los miembros de nuestros Departamentos de Policía, Rescate y Bomberos. 

Nos gustaría agradecer especialmente a Farm Share, Share Your Heart, Miami Dade County Commissioner Rene Garcia, Office of the Commissioner Chastity Acosta and Claudia G Cardenas, Hope Director Fanny Montes, Commander of the American Legion Post 144 Gary Cardenas and Alvaro Hernandez Lupe Bruneman from Advocate Health, Steve Bovo, Miguel del Rivero from El Vocero News, Jose Rodriguez from Devoted, David Carballo from Amelia Earhart Park, Rosa Barroso from The Therapy Labs, y Zenaida Fiallo por toda su ayuda, tiempo y apoyo … sin ellos no hubiera sido posible. 

Además, nos gustaría agradecer a nuestros maravillosos patrocinadores: Rene Garcia, Miami Dade County Commissioner; Miss Hialeah, Biomedical International Corp; Chen Med; Care Plus; Devoted; Context Med Group; Conviva; Miami Lakes AutoMall; Florida Blue; Humana  Meraki Wellness Healing; Dr. Alberto Manzor; Zion Health Care; Catholic Hospice; MMM of Florida; Advocate Health; Goji Group; Life and Wellness Health Center; The Therapy Labs; El Vocero News; WWFE La Poderosa, y Hope.

Gracias una vez más por su generoso patrocinio.

Su apoyo no es algo que nos tomemos a la ligera y lo agradecemos mucho. 

Con toda nuestra gratitud,

Pedro Fiallo y AC Graphics

Drive-thru Food Distribution, and Luncheon Honoring our Local Heroes was a  successful event

On behalf of Event Coordinators Pedro Fiallo, American Legion Post 144 and AC Graphics, we would like to thank everyone who made The Senior Food Drive and the Honoring our Local Heroes Luncheon such successful events. Dozens of volunteers gathered together  Saturday, June 19th, to give away over 1,000 food boxes at Amelia Earhart Park assisting families in the communities of Miami Lakes and Hialeah. 

After a difficult year fighting against COVID-19, we were also able to honor the brave people that have kept us safe. These honorees are our very own first responders, who worked together to make our communities of Miami Lakes and Hialeah safer. With your help, and in partnership with Mission BBQ and DJ Armando, we were able to provide over 400 meals and entertainment to members of our Police, Rescue and Firefighting Departments.

We would like to give special thanks to Farm Share, Share Your Heart, Miami Dade County Commissioner Rene Garcia, Office of the Commissioner Chastity Acosta and Claudia G Cardenas, Hope Director Fanny Montes, Commander of the American Legion Post 144 Gary Cardenas and Alvaro Hernandez Lupe Bruneman from Advocate Health, Steve Bovo, Miguel del Rivero from El Vocero News, Jose Rodriguez from Devoted, David Carballo from Amelia Earhart Park, Rosa Barroso from The Therapy Labs, and Zenaida Fiallo for all their help, time, and support… without them it wouldn’t have been possible.

Also, we would like to thank our wonderful sponsors: Rene Garcia, Miami Dade County Commissioner; Miss Hialeah, Biomedical International Corp; Chen Med; Care Plus; Devoted; Context Med Group; Conviva; Miami Lakes AutoMall; Florida Blue; Humana  Meraki Wellness Healing; Dr. Alberto Manzor; Zion Health Care; Catholic Hospice; MMM of Florida; Advocate Health; Goji Group; Life and Wellness Health Center; The Therapy Labs; El Vocero News; WWFE La Poderosa, and Hope.

Thank you once again for your generous sponsorship.

Your support is not something we take lightly and is very much appreciated.

Pedro Fiallo y AC Graphics