By Lauren Roderick 

On March 13, 2024, the Miami Lakes Chamber of Commerce held its eagerly anticipated March membership luncheon at the esteemed Miami Lakes Hotel on Main. Attendees were treated to a delightful full-course meal as they gathered to enrich their knowledge on crucial aspects of employment law and workforce management.

The highlight of the luncheon was the insightful presentations delivered by distinguished guest speakers Gloria Garcia and Suhaill Morales, esteemed lawyers from the Miami Lakes Bar Association. Their presentations centered on navigating employee relations within the framework of current state and federal laws, offering invaluable guidance to business owners and managers.

Garcia and Morales began by addressing fundamental hiring practices, including effective interviewing techniques and the importance of properly classifying employees based on their job responsibilities. They emphasized the distinction between employees and contractors, cautioning against misclassification to ensure compliance with regulations.

The presentation delved into the complexities of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), distinguishing between exempt and non-exempt employees and elucidating the intricacies of probationary periods and employee management strategies. Attendees gained insights into proper coaching, counseling, and disciplinary procedures, along with the significance of meticulous documentation of employee actions and concerns.

Furthermore, the speakers shed light on handling employee complaints and navigating the termination process, providing attendees with actionable steps to mitigate risks and ensure legal compliance. A comprehensive discussion on responding to administrative charges or employee lawsuits equipped attendees with vital strategies to protect their organizations.

In addition to employment law, the luncheon addressed the requirements of Florida Statute 440 concerning workers’ compensation. Attendees learned about determining covered employees, the role of Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs), and steps to take after an on-the-job injury. Crucial topics such as exemptions, liability mitigation, and communication with insurance providers were thoroughly explored.

The luncheon also celebrated the accomplishments of Seacoast Bank in the member spotlight, highlighting their contributions to the local business community. Overall, the March membership luncheon proved to be an invaluable resource for Miami Lakes Chamber of Commerce members, empowering them with knowledge and strategies essential for effective workforce management and legal compliance in today’s dynamic business landscape.