Coral Gables Hospital Medical Executive Committee and Board is celebrating National Doctors’ Day by paying tribute to their physicians for their service, skill and compassion. The observance commemorates the nation’s doctors, who have dedicated themselves to service by helping to save lives and ensure the good health of US citizens.  This year’s theme of, “Thank you for your extraordinary strength, courage and dedication,” is truly appropriate when we know that regardless of circumstance, the idea of being part of a profession focused on helping people for many of our physicians was driven by value and faith in the family.  We are honoring these outstanding group of physicians at Coral Gables Hospital and we are thanking them from the bottom of our hearts for the work they perform each and every day.

“On behalf of all our Governing Board members, and all of our employees, I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to our physicians, the leaders of healthcare at Coral Gables Hospital,” said Cristina Jimenez, chief executive officer of Coral Gables Hospital. “Our physicians are passionate and committed to serving the people of Coral Gables.  We thank our physicians on this special day of recognition.”

Celebrated on March 30th each year, Doctors’ Day was officially established in 1991 when President George Bush issued a proclamation in observance of the day. March 30th also marks the anniversary of the first use of general anesthesia in surgery by Dr. Crawford W. Long in 1842. National Doctors’ Day is commonly celebrated in healthcare organizations, as a day to recognize the contributions of doctors to individual lives and communities.